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Pioneer factors in hormone-dependent cancers


Pioneer factors are a special class of transcription factor that can associate with compacted chromatin to facilitate the binding of additional transcription factors. The function of pioneer factors was originally described during development; more recently, they have been implicated in hormone-dependent cancers, such as oestrogen receptor-positive breast cancer and androgen receptor-positive prostate cancer. We discuss the importance of pioneer factors in these specific cancers, the discovery of new putative pioneer factors and the interplay between these proteins in mediating nuclear receptor function in cancer.

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Figure 1: Mode of putative ER pioneer factor function.
Figure 2: Pioneer factor properties that need to be met to constitute a therapeutic target in hormone-dependent cancer.

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The authors thank G. Brown for help with data analysis and figures, and H. R. Ali for immunohistochemical images. The authors thank members of the Carroll laboratory and D. Odom for reading the manuscript. The authors would like to acknowledge the support of The University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK and Hutchison Whampoa Limited.

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Correspondence to Jason S. Carroll.

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Aromatase inhibitors

Therapies used to treat oestrogen receptor+ patients with breast cancer by decreasing circulating levels of oestrogenic compounds.


An anti-androgen used for the treatment of prostate cancer.

Luminal breast cancer

Oestrogen receptor+ breast cancer originating from the luminal cells.

Pioneer factors

Proteins that physically interact with compacted chromatin, to rapidly facilitate the binding of additional proteins.


Anti-oestrogen drug used for the treatment of oestrogen receptor (ER)+ patients with breast cancer. Tamoxifen binds to and blocks the ligand-binding pocket of ER.

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Jozwik, K., Carroll, J. Pioneer factors in hormone-dependent cancers. Nat Rev Cancer 12, 381–385 (2012).

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