Key Points
There is increasing evidence that the aberrant activity of numerous members of the Ras superfamily of small GTPases contributes to cancer growth, invasion and metastasis.
Unlike the frequent direct mutational activation of the three Ras proteins (which occurs in ∼33% of human cancers), other Ras superfamily GTPases are deregulated by indirect mechanisms, commonly involving the altered expression or activity of their regulatory proteins.
Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) that control the GDP–GTP cycling of specific members of the Ras superfamily have been shown to contribute to cancer by either promoting or suppressing tumour progression and growth.
GEFs and GAPs are deregulated in cancer by somatic mutation, changes in gene expression and through post-translational mechanisms owing to aberrant signalling caused by alterations in upstream oncogene or tumour suppressor function.
Although GEFs and GAPs are not considered classically druggable targets, there is growing evidence that supports the feasibility of targeting them. For example, nature has provided examples (such as brefeldin A) that provide proof-of-principle of GEF and GAP druggability.
The multi-domain structures of GEFs and GAPs contribute to their regulation by diverse signalling mechanisms and might also identify therapeutic approaches for pharmacological regulation of GEF and GAP activity in cancer.
There is now considerable and increasing evidence for a causal role for aberrant activity of the Ras superfamily of small GTPases in human cancers. These GTPases function as GDP–GTP-regulated binary switches that control many fundamental cellular processes. A common mechanism of GTPase deregulation in cancer is the deregulated expression and/or activity of their regulatory proteins, guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that promote formation of the active GTP-bound state and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) that return the GTPase to its GDP-bound inactive state. In this Review, we assess the association of GEFs and GAPs with cancer and their druggability for cancer therapeutics.
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The authors' research on GEFs and GAPs is supported in part by grants number CA042978, CA129610, CA127152, CA67771 and CA106991 from the US National Institutes of Health (C.J.D.), from the American Cancer Society (D.V. and K.L.R.), and from the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France, (J.C.), and by grants from the Association pour la Recherche Contre le Cancer, France, (J.C.) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France (J.C.). The authors thank L. DeGraffenreid for outstanding assistance in the preparation of this manuscript.
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- Ras GTPases
Key regulators of extracellular signal-regulated cytoplasmic signalling networks that control cell growth, survival and differentiation.
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Vigil, D., Cherfils, J., Rossman, K. et al. Ras superfamily GEFs and GAPs: validated and tractable targets for cancer therapy?. Nat Rev Cancer 10, 842–857 (2010).
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