Direct intragastric delivery of a diet, nutrient or test substance can be achieved in rodents (mice and rats) on a long-term (2–3 months) basis using a chronically implanted gastrostomy catheter and a flow-through swivel system. This rodent intragastric infusion (iG) model has broad applications in research on food intake, gastrointestinal (GI) physiology, GI neuroendocrinology, drug metabolism and toxicity, obesity and liver disease. It achieves maximal control over the rate and pattern of delivery and it can be combined with normal ad libitum feeding of solid diet if so desired. It may be adopted to achieve infusion at other sites of the GI system to test the role of a bypassed GI segment in neuroendocrine physiology, and its use in genetic mouse models facilitates the genetic analysis of a central question under investigation.
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We are grateful for the technical support provided by all animal core personnel in the past. This work was supported by a P50 center grant from the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (P50AA011999), other US National Institutes of Health grants (U01AA018663, R24AA012885) and the Medical Research Service of the US Department of Veterans Affairs. P.-Y.W. is a visiting scholar from the Department of Isotope Application, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan, Republic of China.
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A.U., R.H. and R.L. contributed to generating the data presented, creating figures and tables, and drafting the methods portion of the manuscript. P.-Y.W. contributed to assembly of the results and generation of figures. K.M. contributed his findings on alcohol and HCV interactions. H.T. who is an original developer of the rodent iG model contributed to the generation and assembly of figures and tables, and to the completion of the manuscript through supervision of others.
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Ueno, A., Lazaro, R., Wang, PY. et al. Mouse intragastric infusion (iG) model. Nat Protoc 7, 771–781 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1038/nprot.2012.014
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nprot.2012.014