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MicroRNA target site identification by integrating sequence and binding information


High-throughput sequencing has opened numerous possibilities for the identification of regulatory RNA-binding events. Cross-linking and immunoprecipitation of Argonaute proteins can pinpoint a microRNA (miRNA) target site within tens of bases but leaves the identity of the miRNA unresolved. A flexible computational framework, microMUMMIE, integrates sequence with cross-linking features and reliably identifies the miRNA family involved in each binding event. It considerably outperforms sequence-only approaches and quantifies the prevalence of noncanonical binding modes.

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Figure 1: Identifying miRNA target sites by a joint sequence-interaction model.
Figure 2: Validation of predicted sites and their impact on expression.

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This work was supported by grants from the US National Science Foundation (MCB-0822033) and US National Institutes of Health (NIH R01-GM104962) to U.O. and by awards from the NIH (R01-AI067968; R01-DA030086) to B.R.C. Contributions by R.L.S. were additionally supported by a Duke Center for AIDS Research small grant award (P30-AI064518). We thank S. Grosswendt and M. Piechotta for critical reading of a manuscript draft.

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W.H.M. implemented the modeling framework and designed the models, P.L. and W.H.M. performed the computational experiments, P.L. investigated bulge sites, and N.M. and D.L.C. configured and ran the PARalyzer pipeline and provided guidance on analyzing its outputs. P.L., W.H.M. and U.O. analyzed the data. R.L.S., B.R.C. and N.M. designed and performed wet-lab experiments, and W.H.M., P.L. and U.O. wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Uwe Ohler.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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Supplementary Figures 1–13 and Supplementary Tables 1–4 (PDF 2192 kb)

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Majoros, W., Lekprasert, P., Mukherjee, N. et al. MicroRNA target site identification by integrating sequence and binding information. Nat Methods 10, 630–633 (2013).

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