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Immunoprophylaxis of allergen–induced immunoglobulin E synthesis and airway hyperresponsiveness in vivo by genetic immunization


The efficacy of an “allergen–gene immunization protocol” in altering allergic response was examined. Intramuscular injection of rats with a plasmid DNA encoding a house dust mite allergen into the muscle results in its long–term expression and the induction of specific immune responses. Significantly, this approach prevents the induction of immunoglobulin E synthesis, histamine release in bronchoalveolar fluids, and airway hyperresponsiveness in rats challenged with aerosolized allergen. Furthermore, this suppression is persistent and can be transferred into naive rats by CD8+ T cells from gene–immunized rats. These findings suggest that allergen–gene immunization is effective in modulating allergic responses, and may provide a novel therapeutic approach for allergic diseases.

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Hsu, CH., Chua, KY., Tao, MH. et al. Immunoprophylaxis of allergen–induced immunoglobulin E synthesis and airway hyperresponsiveness in vivo by genetic immunization. Nat Med 2, 540–544 (1996).

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