Few tools exist to assess replication of chronic pathogens during infection. This has been a considerable barrier to understanding latent tuberculosis, and efforts to develop new therapies generally assume that the bacteria are very slowly replicating or nonreplicating during latency1,2,3. To monitor Mycobacterium tuberculosis replication within hosts, we exploit an unstable plasmid that is lost at a steady, quantifiable rate from dividing cells in the absence of antibiotic selection. By applying a mathematical model, we calculate bacterial growth and death rates during infection of mice. We show that during chronic infection, the cumulative bacterial burden—enumerating total live, dead and removed organisms encountered by the mouse lung—is substantially higher than estimates from colony-forming units. Our data show that M. tuberculosis replicates throughout the course of chronic infection of mice and is restrained by the host immune system. This approach may also shed light on the replication dynamics of other chronic pathogens.
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We would like to thank L. Ramakrishnan, J. Chang, K. Guinn, T. Walker and members of the Sherman lab for review of and contributions to this work, C. DeMille for expert help with manuscript preparation and K.G. Papavinasasundaram (University of Massachusetts Medical School) for providing pBP10. This research was supported by grants from the US National Institutes of Health and the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation.
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W.P.G., N.S.H., M.R.W., R.P.L. and D.R.S. designed all experiments. W.P.G., N.S.H., R.P.L. and M.R.W. performed all experiments. W.P.G., N.S.H., M.R.W., J.E.M. and D.R.S. analyzed the data. J.E.M. derived the equations in consultation with W.P.G., and D.R.S. W.P.G. and D.R.S. wrote the paper, which was edited by all authors.
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Gill, W., Harik, N., Whiddon, M. et al. A replication clock for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Nat Med 15, 211–214 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1038/nm.1915
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nm.1915