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T cells use two directionally distinct pathways for cytokine secretion


Activated T helper cells produce many cytokines, some of which are secreted through the immunological synapse toward the antigen-presenting cell. Here we have used immunocytochemistry, live-cell imaging and a surface-mediated secretion assay to show that there are two cytokine export pathways in T helper cells. Some cytokines, including interleukin 2 and interferon-γ, were secreted into the synapse, whereas others, including tumor necrosis factor and the chemokine CCL3 (MIP-1α), were released multidirectionally. Each secretion pathway was associated with different trafficking proteins, indicating that they are molecularly distinct processes. These data suggest that T helper cells release some cytokines into the immunological synapse to impart specific communication and others multidirectionally to promote inflammation and to establish chemokine gradients.

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Figure 1: Intracellular staining patterns of IL-2 and TNF in representative T cell-APC conjugates.
Figure 2: Synaptic localization of IFN-γ but not TNF.
Figure 3: Live imaging of TNF secretion by TH cells in the presence of TAPI-0.
Figure 4: IL-2 and TNF localize with distinct pools of transport proteins.
Figure 5: Use of the synaptic and multidirectional secretion pathways in both TH1 and TH2 cells.

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We thank L. Steinman, H. McDevitt, W.J. Nelson and K. Pham for discussions and for critical reading of this manuscript; S. Pfeffer for comments; E. Gallo for assistance with the Affymetrix data; L. Klein for advice with colocalization; J. Mulholland and K. Lee for assistance with confocal microscopy; N. Prado and J. Fabian for technical assistance; and other members of the Davis lab for discussions and support. Supported by the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation (M.H.), Giannini Family Foundation (M.H.), Human Frontiers Science Program (B.F.L.), Cancer Research Institute (M.S.K.), National Institutes of Health (M.M.D.) and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (M.M.D.).

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Correspondence to Mark M Davis.

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Supplementary information

Supplementary Fig. 1

Gradual appearance of non-synapse associated TNF compartments. (PDF 43 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 2

TAPI-0-mediated blockade of TNF release. (PDF 72 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 3

Stability of TNF puncta over time. (PDF 282 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 4

Intracellular IL-4 has Golgi-associated and Golgi-independent pools. (PDF 109 kb)

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Huse, M., Lillemeier, B., Kuhns, M. et al. T cells use two directionally distinct pathways for cytokine secretion. Nat Immunol 7, 247–255 (2006).

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