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Building an antibody factory: a job for the unfolded protein response

A Corrigendum to this article was published on 01 February 2005


Plasma cells are highly specialized, terminally differentiated secretory cells that produce tremendous quantities of a single product, the antibody molecule. In differentiating from a quiescent B cell, the plasma cell must undergo a dramatic architectural metamorphosis. This process entails augmenting the secretory organelles and the proteins that populate them, upregulating their energy and translation potential, and increasing the quality control system to do the job. This transformation is accomplished by an interplay between B lineage–specific transcriptional programs that control plasma cell differentiation and an unfolded protein response.

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Figure 1: Components of the mammalian UPR.
Figure 2: Making an antibody-producing machine.
Figure 3: Mechanisms for downregulating the PERK pathway.
Figure 4: Interplay between transcriptional programs during plasma cell differentiation.

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The authors thank P.D. Burrows for invaluable discussions and comments on the manuscript and W.E. Balch for providing an ingenious technical solution during the preparation of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Linda M Hendershot.

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Brewer, J., Hendershot, L. Building an antibody factory: a job for the unfolded protein response. Nat Immunol 6, 23–29 (2005).

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