Germline mutations in CYBB, the human gene encoding the gp91phox subunit of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase, impair the respiratory burst of all types of phagocytes and result in X-linked chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). We report here two kindreds in which otherwise healthy male adults developed X-linked recessive Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacterial disease (MSMD) syndromes. These patients had previously unknown mutations in CYBB that resulted in an impaired respiratory burst in monocyte-derived macrophages but not in monocytes or granulocytes. The macrophage-specific functional consequences of the germline mutation resulted from cell-specific impairment in the assembly of the NADPH oxidase. This 'experiment of nature' indicates that CYBB is associated with MSMD and demonstrates that the respiratory burst in human macrophages is a crucial mechanism for protective immunity to tuberculous mycobacteria.
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We thank the family members for participating in this study; J. Curnutte (3-V Biosciences) for EBV-B cells from CGD controls; D. Roos (University of Amsterdam) for mAb 449; F. Morel (Grenoble University) for mAb 7A2; M. Quinn (Montana State University) for mAb 54.1; all members of the two branches of the laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases for discussions; and T. Leclerc, Y. Rose, M. de Suremain, M. Kezadi, and N. Stull for technical assistance. Supported by Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (J.B.), the European Union (NEOTIM EEA05095KKA to J.B., and HOMITB HEALTH-F3-2008-200732), the March of Dimes (RO5050KK to J.B.), Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (A.C.-N.), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnológico (A.C.-N.), Fondation BNP-Paribas, Fondation Schlumberger, Institut Universitaire de France, Agence Nationale de Recherche, The Rockefeller University Center for Clinical and Translational Science (5UL1RR024143-03), The Rockefeller University, the National Institutes of Health (AI 079788 and DK54369 to P.E.N., and HL045635 to M.C.D.), the Riley Children's Foundation (M.C.D.) and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (J.-L.C.).
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Authors and Affiliations
J.B., L.A. and J.-L.C. designed the study and contributed intellectually to the experimental process; J.B. did most of the experiments under the supervision of J.-L.C.; A.A.A., C.C.M., E.V. and M.C.D. did the experiments with retroviral transduction of gp91phox into EBV-B, CHO and PLB-985 cells; G.V. made the nonretroviral CYBB vectors, infected macrophages with BCG and made intellectual contributions to various experiments; C. Picard contributed to the recruitment of patients and initiated the clinical investigation; L.B.G., C. Prando, L.J. and M.H. analyzed many controls; A.C. did quantitative RT-PCR; L.d.B. did bioinformatics analysis; J.-F.E. did histological analysis of lymph nodes; B.W. did immunoperoxidase staining; A.V.G., C.B. and A.B. provided data for linkage analysis; A.P., J.F. and S.B.-D. provided experimental advice about cell culture; J.-M.B., S.B., O.L. and C.F. contributed to the recruitment and follow-up of the patients and CGD controls; S.A.-M., P.N., A.C.-N. and M.C.D. provided CGD controls and intellectual guidance for the development of various assays; J.B. and J.-L.C. wrote the paper; and all authors commented on and discussed the paper. B.W., P.E.N., A.C.-N. and M.C.D. contributed equally to this work.
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Bustamante, J., Arias, A., Vogt, G. et al. Germline CYBB mutations that selectively affect macrophages in kindreds with X-linked predisposition to tuberculous mycobacterial disease. Nat Immunol 12, 213–221 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1038/ni.1992
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/ni.1992
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