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A genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 22 loci associated with eight hematological parameters in the HaemGen consortium


The number and volume of cells in the blood affect a wide range of disorders including cancer and cardiovascular, metabolic, infectious and immune conditions. We consider here the genetic variation in eight clinically relevant hematological parameters, including hemoglobin levels, red and white blood cell counts and platelet counts and volume. We describe common variants within 22 genetic loci reproducibly associated with these hematological parameters in 13,943 samples from six European population-based studies, including 6 associated with red blood cell parameters, 15 associated with platelet parameters and 1 associated with total white blood cell count. We further identified a long-range haplotype at 12q24 associated with coronary artery disease and myocardial infarction in 9,479 cases and 10,527 controls. We show that this haplotype demonstrates extensive disease pleiotropy, as it contains known risk loci for type 1 diabetes, hypertension and celiac disease and has been spread by a selective sweep specific to European and geographically nearby populations.

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Figure 1
Figure 2: Manhattan plots describing the association of 2.11 M SNPs with eight hematological traits in the three discovery samples (UKBS-CC1, TwinsUK and KORA F3 500K).
Figure 3: Multimarker score tests for MPV and MCV.
Figure 4: Association of SNP rs11065987 with CAD.
Figure 5: Heat map of mRNA expression in the 12q24 region.
Figure 6: Overview of the 12q24 region.

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Manuscript preparation: N.S., M.M., A.R., W.H.O., T.D.S., P.D., N.J.S. and C.G.

Main data analysis: N.S., C.G., B.K., A.R., A.T., R.A.L., Y.X. and C.T.-S. Intermediate trait analysis cohorts. Study design and biobanking: T.D.S. (TwinsUK), J.R.B., W.E., S.F.G., J.S.-C., J. Sambrook, N.A.W., W.H.O. (UKBS-CC1 and CBR), C.G., T.I., H.-E.W. (KORA F3 and F4), M.N., U.V. and H.V. (SHIP). Phenotype assessment: S.M., M.F., S.L.T., T.D.S. (TwinsUK), A.D., C.M. (KORA F3 and F4) and A.G. (SHIP). Genotyping: R.G., S.C.P., C.M.R., P.D. (TwinsUK), S.B., M.J.R.G., R.G., N.H., J. Stephens (CBR), H.P. and T.I. (KORA F3 and F4). Statistical analysis: N.S. (TwinsUK, CBR and UKBS-CC1), C.G, B.K. (KORA F3 and F4), A.T. (SHIP), A.R. and P.B. (Transcriptomics). CAD/MI cohorts. GerMIFS I and GerMIFS II: C.H., I.R.K., S.S., K.S., C.W., H.-E.W., C.W., J.E., H.S. WTCCC-CAD: N.J.S., A.H.G., A.S.H., B.W. and J.R.T. Ottawa Heart Study: L.C., R.M., R.R., G.A.W. and A.F.R.S. PennCATH/MedSTAR: M.L., M.S.B., J.D., S.E.E., H.H.H., D.J.R., M.P.R., V.M. and C.W.K. MIGEN: S.K., B.F.V., S.M.S., V.S., R.E., O.M., C.J.O., L.P., D.S.S. and D.A. COROGENE: M.P., P.S., V.S., L.P., I.S., J. Sinisalo and M.S.N. Celiac disease. D.A.v.H.

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Correspondence to Nicole Soranzo.

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Soranzo, N., Spector, T., Mangino, M. et al. A genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 22 loci associated with eight hematological parameters in the HaemGen consortium. Nat Genet 41, 1182–1190 (2009).

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