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The biogenesis of chromosome translocations


Chromosome translocations are catastrophic genomic events and often play key roles in tumorigenesis. Yet the biogenesis of chromosome translocations is remarkably poorly understood. Recent work has delineated several distinct mechanistic steps in the formation of translocations, and it has become apparent that non-random spatial genome organization, DNA repair pathways and chromatin features, including histone marks and the dynamic motion of broken chromatin, are critical for determining translocation frequency and partner selection.

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Figure 1: Consequences of chromosome rearrangements.
Figure 2: Distinct phases in the biogenesis of a translocation.
Figure 3: Factors influencing distinct steps in the formation of chromosome translocations.

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The Misteli laboratory is supported by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), NCI, Center for Cancer Research. We dedicate this Review to the memory of Janet Rowley, who boldly founded and thoughtfully guided the field of chromosome translocation biology.

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Correspondence to Vassilis Roukos or Tom Misteli.

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Roukos, V., Misteli, T. The biogenesis of chromosome translocations. Nat Cell Biol 16, 293–300 (2014).

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