Polarized neurites (axons and dendrites) form the functional circuitry of the nervous system. Secreted guidance cues often control the polarity of neuron migration and neurite outgrowth by regulating ion channels. Here, we show that secreted semaphorin 3A (Sema3A) induces the neurite identity of Xenopus spinal commissural interneurons (xSCINs) by activating CaV2.3 channels (CaV2.3). Sema3A treatment converted the identity of axons of cultured xSCINs to that of dendrites by recruiting functional CaV2.3. Inhibition of Sema3A signalling prevented both the expression of CaV2.3 and acquisition of the dendrite identity, and inhibition of CaV2.3 function resulted in multiple axon-like neurites of xSCINs in the spinal cord. Furthermore, Sema3A-triggered cGMP production and PKG activity induced, respectively, the expression of functional CaV2.3 and the dendrite identity. These results reveal a mechanism by which a guidance cue controls the identity of neurites during nervous system development.
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We thank Drs W. R. Jelinek, N. J. Cowan, M. E. Rice, M-M. Poo, D. Ginty and A. L. Kolodkin for critical comments on the manuscript, S. M. Strittmatter for the NP-1(0111) and L. I. Binder and G. Tian for technical assistance. This work was supported by grants from NIH/NINDS (NS042823 and CRCNS Program, NS064671, K.H.), MEXT (Grants-in-Aid and Targeted Protein Research Project, Y.G.) and RIKEN (Computational Science Research Program, S.I.).
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M.N., K.T., M.J.v.S. and K.H. designed and carried out experiments and analysed the data; C-S.L. helped with immunocytochemisty; N.Y. and Y.G. provided proteins; M.N., K.T., S-i.M. and S.I. carried out or supervised in vivo imaging analyses; M.N. and K.H. supervised the project and wrote the manuscript.
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Nishiyama, M., Togashi, K., von Schimmelmann, M. et al. Semaphorin 3A induces CaV2.3 channel-dependent conversion of axons to dendrites. Nat Cell Biol 13, 676–685 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncb2255
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/ncb2255