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Cathepsin L activity controls adipogenesis and glucose tolerance


Cysteine proteases play an important part in human pathobiology1. This report shows the participation of cathepsin L (CatL) in adipogenesis and glucose intolerance. In vitro studies demonstrate the role of CatL in the degradation of the matrix protein fibronectin, insulin receptor (IR) and insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R), essential molecules for adipogenesis and glucose metabolism2,3,4,5. CatL inhibition leads to the reduction of human and murine pre-adipocyte adipogenesis or lipid accumulation, protection of fibronectin from degradation, accumulation of IR and IGF-1R β-subunits, and an increase in glucose uptake. CatL-deficient mice are lean and have reduced levels of serum glucose and insulin but increased levels of muscle IR β-subunits, fibronectin and glucose transporter (Glut)-4, although food/water intake and energy expenditure of these mice are no less than their wild-type littermates. Importantly, the pharmacological inhibition of CatL also demonstrates reduced body weight gain and serum insulin levels, and increased glucose tolerance, probably due to increased levels of muscle IR β-subunits, fibronectin and Glut-4 in both diet-induced obese mice and ob/ob mice. Increased levels of CatL in obese and diabetic patients suggest that this protease is a novel target for these metabolic disorders.

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Figure 1: Human pre-adipocyte differentiation.
Figure 2: CatL inhibition affects 3T3-L1 cell adipogenesis and insulin receptor proteolysis.
Figure 3: CatL-deficiency limits weight gain and fat storage.
Figure 4: CatL deficiency increases glucose tolerance.
Figure 5: Pharmacological inhibition of CatL reduces body weight gain and glucose intolerance.

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We thank Drs Christoph Peters and Thomas Reinheckel for providing the CatL-deficient mice; Jingming Chen, David Nolan and Corinne Hurtaud for technical assistance; and Karen Williams and Robert Gregory for editorial assistance. This study is partially supported by grants from the Academic Senate Award (G.-P.S.; University of California San Francisco); a private fund from NMPI, LLC (Damariscotta, Maine); and grants from the National Institutes of Health (HL60942 to G.-P.S. and HL073168 to A.D.). Inserm U872 received a grant from the French National Agency of Research (Obcat N° ANR-05-PCOD-026-01) and from FRM (Foundation of Medical Research)/Danone.

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Authors and Affiliations



M.Y. maintained the mouse colonies and performed most of the mouse tissue immunoblot analysis and physiology studies. Y.Z. monitored mouse body weight and performed 3T3-L1 cell-related experiments. J.P. performed all human adipocyte-related experiments. J.S. performed experiments related to inhibitor-treatments in mice and cells. J.L. helped human and mouse adipocyte culture. P.L. helped experimental design and manuscript editing. G.K.S. helped adipocyte immunostaining. A.D. provided human serum samples and helped data analysis and presentation. N.K. provided cathepsin L inhibitors. O.D.P. helped experimental design. B.B.K. provided expert suggestions in experimental design and data presentation. M. G-M. and K.C. suggested fibronectin analysis, performed fibronectin experiments in mouse tissues and contributed to the writing of the manuscript. G-P.S. design the experiment, participated in data analysis and presentation, and prepared the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Guo-Ping Shi.

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Yang, M., Zhang, Y., Pan, J. et al. Cathepsin L activity controls adipogenesis and glucose tolerance. Nat Cell Biol 9, 970–977 (2007).

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