We describe facile isolation of full-length IgG antibodies from combinatorial libraries expressed in E. coli. Full-length heavy and light chains are secreted into the periplasm, where they assemble into aglycosylated IgGs that are captured by an Fc-binding protein that is tethered to the inner membrane. After permeabilizing the outer membrane, spheroplast clones expressing so-called E-clonal antibodies, which specifically recognize fluorescently labeled antigen, are selected using flow cytometry. Screening of a library constructed from an immunized animal yielded several antibodies with nanomolar affinities toward the protective antigen of Bacillus anthracis.
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We thank Clinton E. Leysath for preparation of the cDNA from splenocytes of PA-immunized mice. This work was supported by the Foundation for Research.
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Supplementary information
Supplementary Fig. 1
Expression and purification of intact IgGs in the bacterial periplasm. (PDF 463 kb)
Supplementary Fig. 2
Binding of IgG to spheroplasts displaying the protein ZZ domain. (PDF 63 kb)
Supplementary Fig. 3
Evaluation of the NlpA-ZZ-IgG complex stability. (PDF 48 kb)
Supplementary Fig. 4
Construction of immunized anti-PA IgG Library. (PDF 30 kb)
Supplementary Fig. 5
Amino acid sequence analysis of the isolated anti-PA IgG individual clones. (PDF 15 kb)
Supplementary Fig. 6
An example of kinetic analysis of YMF10 IgG toward PA-63 using an IgG capture method. (PDF 46 kb)
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Mazor, Y., Van Blarcom, T., Mabry, R. et al. Isolation of engineered, full-length antibodies from libraries expressed in Escherichia coli. Nat Biotechnol 25, 563–565 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt1296
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt1296
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