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This work has been supported by the US NIH BD2K grant U54 GM114833 and a National Natural Science Foundation of China grant (61501071). A.I.N. is supported by US National Institute of Health grant (R01-GM-094231). Y.P.-R. is supported by BBSRC 'PROCESS' grant (BB/K01997X/1). M.B. is supported by Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges grant (2014DFB30010). M.W. is supported by an NIH grant (5P41GM103484-07). J.A.V. and N.d.-T. are supported by the Wellcome Trust (grant WT101477MA). T.T. is supported by the BBSRC 'ProteoGenomics' grant (BB/L024225/1). E.W.D. and D.S.C. are supported in part by grant (U24 AI117966-02S1). S.-A.S. is supported in part by US NIH BD2K grant (1U24AI117966-01). M.W. and N.Bandeira were supported by NIH grant (5P41GM103484-07). N.Bandeira was also partially supported as an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow. S.Subramaniam is supported by NIH grants U01 DK097430 and U01 CA198941
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Perez-Riverol, Y., Bai, M., da Veiga Leprevost, F. et al. Discovering and linking public omics data sets using the Omics Discovery Index. Nat Biotechnol 35, 406–409 (2017).
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