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Emerging fungal threats to animal, plant and ecosystem health


The past two decades have seen an increasing number of virulent infectious diseases in natural populations and managed landscapes. In both animals and plants, an unprecedented number of fungal and fungal-like diseases have recently caused some of the most severe die-offs and extinctions ever witnessed in wild species, and are jeopardizing food security. Human activity is intensifying fungal disease dispersal by modifying natural environments and thus creating new opportunities for evolution. We argue that nascent fungal infections will cause increasing attrition of biodiversity, with wider implications for human and ecosystem health, unless steps are taken to tighten biosecurity worldwide.

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Figure 1: Worldwide reporting trends in fungal EIDs.
Figure 2: Fungal disease dynamics leading to host extinction.

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M.C.F. was supported by grants from the Wellcome Trust, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), and the European Research Area (ERA)-net project BiodivERsA. D.A.H. was supported by a grant from the Leverhulme Trust, C.J.B. was supported by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) Ecology of Infectious Disease grant EF-0723563. S.J.G. was supported by grants from the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the John Fell Fund of the University of Oxford, and S.L.M. was supported by a graduate scholarship from Magdalen College, University of Oxford. J.S.B. was supported by and the National Institutes of Health grant 5R01LM010812-02. N. Knowlton and J. Heitman provided impetus to develop this review.

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M.C. F., D.A.H., C.J.B., S.L.M. and S.J.G designed, analysed and wrote the paper. Data were collected and analysed by J.S.B. and L.C.M.

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Correspondence to Matthew C. Fisher or Sarah J. Gurr.

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Fisher, M., Henk, D., Briggs, C. et al. Emerging fungal threats to animal, plant and ecosystem health. Nature 484, 186–194 (2012).

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