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Imaging in the era of molecular oncology


New technologies for imaging molecules, particularly optical technologies, are increasingly being used to understand the complexity, diversity and in vivo behaviour of cancers. 'Omic' approaches are providing comprehensive 'snapshots' of biological indicators, or biomarkers, of cancer, but imaging can take this information a step further, showing the activity of these markers in vivo and how their location changes over time. Advances in experimental and clinical imaging are likely to improve how cancer is understood at a systems level and, ultimately, should enable doctors not only to locate tumours but also to assess the activity of the biological processes within these tumours and to provide 'on the spot' treatment.

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Figure 1: Imaging technologies used in oncology.
Figure 2: High-affinity imaging agents with appropriate pharmacokinetics are essential for imaging at the molecular level.
Figure 3: Behaviour of tumour cells and cells in the tumour stroma in situ, as elucidated by in vivo imaging.
Figure 4: Clinical imaging.

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Weissleder, R., Pittet, M. Imaging in the era of molecular oncology. Nature 452, 580–589 (2008).

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