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Why has it taken so long for biological psychiatry to develop clinical tests and what to do about it?


Patients with mental disorders show many biological abnormalities which distinguish them from normal volunteers; however, few of these have led to tests with clinical utility. Several reasons contribute to this delay: lack of a biological ‘gold standard’ definition of psychiatric illnesses; a profusion of statistically significant, but minimally differentiating, biological findings; ‘approximate replications’ of these findings in a way that neither confirms nor refutes them; and a focus on comparing prototypical patients to healthy controls which generates differentiations with limited clinical applicability. Overcoming these hurdles will require a new approach. Rather than seek biomedical tests that can ‘diagnose’ DSM-defined disorders, the field should focus on identifying biologically homogenous subtypes that cut across phenotypic diagnosis—thereby sidestepping the issue of a gold standard. To ensure clinical relevance and applicability, the field needs to focus on clinically meaningful differences between relevant clinical populations, rather than hypothesis-rejection versus normal controls. Validating these new biomarker-defined subtypes will require longitudinal studies with standardized measures which can be shared and compared across studies—thereby overcoming the problem of significance chasing and approximate replications. Such biological tests, and the subtypes they define, will provide a natural basis for a ‘stratified psychiatry’ that will improve clinical outcomes across conventional diagnostic boundaries.

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We would like to thank Dr Bruce Cuthbert for his useful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. SK's research related to the article is supported by G0701748/1 from the MRC and the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) grant NEWMEDS, under Grant Agreement N8 115008. SK received salary support from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Mental Health Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King's College London.

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Correspondence to S Kapur.

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SK has received grant support from GSK and has served as consultant and/or speaker for AstraZeneca, Bioline, BMS-Otsuka, Eli Lilly, Janssen (J&J), Lundbeck, NeuroSearch, Pfizer, Roche, Servier and Solvay Wyeth. AGP serves on the Board of Allon Therapeutics Inc., and holds shares in this corporation. TI has no financial interests to disclose.

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Kapur, S., Phillips, A. & Insel, T. Why has it taken so long for biological psychiatry to develop clinical tests and what to do about it?. Mol Psychiatry 17, 1174–1179 (2012).

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