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Biallelic inactivation of TRAF3 in a subset of B-cell lymphomas with interstitial del(14)(q24.1q32.33)

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We gratefully thank Kerstin Runde, Reina Zühlke-Jenisch, Magret Ratjen, Dorit Schuster, Claudia Becher and Ursula Schnaidt for their technical assistance. Supported by the Network Project of the Deutsche Krebshilfe ‘Molecular Mechanisms in Malignant Lymphomas’ 70-3173-TR3, the Wilhelm Sander-Stiftung 2005.168.2 and RETICS. Instituto de Salud Carlos III, RETICS. Convocatoria 2008. RD07/0020/2004.

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Nagel, I., Bug, S., Tönnies, H. et al. Biallelic inactivation of TRAF3 in a subset of B-cell lymphomas with interstitial del(14)(q24.1q32.33). Leukemia 23, 2153–2155 (2009).

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