The tissues of hepatocellular carcinoma were operatively resected from six patients. All four components of the systems of microsomal cytochrome P-450-linked monooxygenase of the tissues were investigated and compared to those of normal liver tissue. The concentrations of cytochromes P-450, P-420 and b5 were measured optically and the concentrations of all components except cytochrome P-450 were measured by the Western blotting method followed by immunochemical staining. In microsomes of hepatocellular carcinoma tissues, there was as much cytochrome P-450 and other redox components as in the normal liver tissues, but cytochrome P-450 in liver cancer tissues was unstable and easily converted to cytochrome P-420. The specific activities of NADPH- and NADH-ferricyanide and cytochrome c reductase of each sample were also measured. In the microsomes of the cancer tissues, the specific activities were remarkably reduced compared with those of normal liver tissues. The lipid compositions of the microsomes and the phospholipid/cholesterol ratios (w/w) were 13.1 +/- 3.13 in the cancer tissues and 43.0 +/- 6.74 in normal liver tissues. This difference of the lipid composition elucidates the instability of cytochrome P-450 molecules and the inefficiency of the electron transport of cytochrome P-450-linked monooxygenase systems.
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Hamamoto, I., Tanaka, S., Maeba, T. et al. Microsomal cytochrome P-450-linked monooxygenase systems and lipid composition of human hepatocellular carcinoma. Br J Cancer 59, 6–11 (1989). https://doi.org/10.1038/bjc.1989.3
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/bjc.1989.3