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The chromo and SET domains of the Clr4 protein are essential for silencing in fission yeast


Heritable inactivation of specific regions of the genome is a widespread, possibly universal phenomenon for gene regulation in eukaryotes. Self-perpetuating, clonally inherited chromatin structure has been proposed as the explanation for such phenomena as position-effect variegation1,2 (PEV) and control of segment determination and differentiation in flies3, X-chromosome inactivation and parental imprinting in mammals4,5, gene silencing by paramutation in maize6 and silencing of the mating-type loci in yeasts7,8. We have now found that the clr4 gene, which is essential for silencing of centromeres9 and the mating-type loci in Schizosaccharomyces pombe8,10, encodes a protein with high homology to the product of Su(var)3-9, a gene affecting PEV in Drosophila1. Like Su(var)3-9p, Clr4p contains SET and chromo domains, motifs found in proteins that modulate chromatin structure. Site-directed mutations in the conserved residues of the chromo domain confirm that it is required for proper silencing and directional switching of the mating type, like SET domain. Surprisingly, RNA differential display experiments demonstrated that clr4+ can mediate transcriptional activation of certain other loci. These results show that clr4 plays a critical role in silencing at mating-type loci and centromeres through the organization of repressive chromatin structure and demonstrate a new, activator function for Clr4p.

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Figure 1: Sequence and domain homology of Clr4p.
Figure 2: Sporulation phenotypes of clr4 mutants.
Figure 3: Northern-blot analysis showing that regulation of cdl genes depends on clr4 function.

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We thank members of the Gene Regulation and Chromosome Biology Laboratory for helpful discussions, especially J. Sabl for helpful comments on the manuscript, D. Beach and P. Young for the S. pombe library and A. Arthur for editing the manuscript. This work was sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, DHHS, under contract with ABL.

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Correspondence to Amar J. S. Klar.

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Ivanova, A., Bonaduce, M., Ivanov, S. et al. The chromo and SET domains of the Clr4 protein are essential for silencing in fission yeast. Nat Genet 19, 192–195 (1998).

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