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Adhesion between epithelial cells and T lymphocytes mediated by E-cadherin and the αEβ7 integrin


IN contrast to sessile cell types, lymphocytes migrate through the vasculature to become diffusely distributed in tissues or organized in lymphoid structures. A complex array of adhesion molecules including selectins, integrins and their counter-receptors mediate lymphocyte homing and migration into tissues and may be constitutively expressed or induced1,2. However, the molecules that mediate the tissue-specific retention of lymphocytes within the parenchyma have not been identified. Along the epithelium at the basolateral surface of enterocytes, intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes are found. These T cells of the mucosal immune system serve as a model for the tissue-specific compartmentalization of lymphocytes. We investigated whether the localization of these intestinal intra-epithelial lymphocytes could be mediated by specific interactions between adhesion molecules expressed selectively on this subpopu-lation of T cells and tissue-restricted adhesion molecules on epi-thelial cells. Here we show that heterotypic adhesive interactions between epithelial cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes in vitro are mediated by E-cadherin and the αEβ7 integrin.

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Cepek, K., Shaw, S., Parker, C. et al. Adhesion between epithelial cells and T lymphocytes mediated by E-cadherin and the αEβ7 integrin. Nature 372, 190–193 (1994).

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