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Synergy between basic fibroblast growth factor and HIV-1 Tat protein in induction of Kaposi's sarcoma


Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Tat protein synergize in inducing angiogenic Kaposi's sarcoma-like lesions in mice. Synergy is due to Tat, which enhances endothelial cell growth and type-IV collagenase expression in response to bFGF mimicking extracellular matrix proteins. The bFGF, extracellular Tat and Tat receptors are present in HIV-1-associated KS, which may explain the higher frequency and aggressiveness of this form compared to classical Kaposi's sarcoma where only bFGF is present.

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Ensoli, B., Gendelman, R., Markham, P. et al. Synergy between basic fibroblast growth factor and HIV-1 Tat protein in induction of Kaposi's sarcoma. Nature 371, 674–680 (1994).

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