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Adhesion of epidermal Langerhans cells to keratinocytes mediated by E-cadherin


LANGERHANS cells (LC) are the principal accessory cells present in epidermis1. Because LC have limited capacity for self-renewal2, epidermis is continually repopulated by as-yet uncharacterized bone marrow-derived LC progenitors3,4. In addition, although LC persist in epidermis for extended periods, LC are induced to migrate from skin to regional lymph nodes after antigen exposure5. To begin to elucidate mechanisms involved in LC trafficking, we characterized LC-keratinocyte (KC) interactions. Here we report that fresh murine LC express cadherins, and that LC adhere to KC in vitro through E-cadherin. Cultured LC (which may bear a phenotypic and functional relationship to LC that have migrated to lymph nodes6,7) express lower levels of E-cadherin and exhibit

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Tang, A., Amagai, M., Granger, L. et al. Adhesion of epidermal Langerhans cells to keratinocytes mediated by E-cadherin. Nature 361, 82–85 (1993).

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