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Kinesin-related cut 7 protein associates with mitotic and meiotic spindles in fission yeast


SEVERAL mitotic and meiotic gene products are related to the microtubule motor kinesin, providing insight into the molecular basis of the complex motile events responsible for spindle formation and function1. Of these genes, three have been shown to affect spindle structure when mutated2–6. The most severe phenotype is seen in Aspergillus nidulans bimC and Schizosaccharomyces pombe cut7 mutants. In both fungi the intranuclear spindle is bipolar, with microtubules that emanate from spindle pole bodies at either pole, interdigitating in a central overlap zone. In bimC and cut7 mutants, microtubule interdigitation does not appear to take place, instead two unconnected half spindles form and chromosome separation fails2,6,7. Here we report that cut7 protein concentrates on or near the spindle pole bodies throughout mitotic and meiotic nuclear division and associates with mitotic spindle microtubules in a stage-specific manner, associating with the mid-anaphase B midzone. In cut7ts mutants, spindle pole bodies stain but mitotic microtubules do not.

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Hagan, I., Yanagida, M. Kinesin-related cut 7 protein associates with mitotic and meiotic spindles in fission yeast. Nature 356, 74–76 (1992).

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