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Auxin transport inhibitors block PIN1 cycling and vesicle trafficking


Polar transport of the phytohormone auxin mediates various processes in plant growth and development, such as apical dominance, tropisms, vascular patterning and axis formation1,2. This view is based largely on the effects of polar auxin transport inhibitors. These compounds disrupt auxin efflux from the cell but their mode of action is unknown3. It is thought that polar auxin flux is caused by the asymmetric distribution of efflux carriers acting at the plasma membrane4. The polar localization of efflux carrier candidate PIN1 supports this model4. Here we show that the seemingly static localization of PIN1 results from rapid actin-dependent cycling between the plasma membrane and endosomal compartments. Auxin transport inhibitors block PIN1 cycling and inhibit trafficking of membrane proteins that are unrelated to auxin transport. Our data suggest that PIN1 cycling is of central importance for auxin transport and that auxin transport inhibitors affect efflux by generally interfering with membrane-trafficking processes. In support of our conclusion, the vesicle-trafficking inhibitor brefeldin A mimics physiological effects of auxin transport inhibitors.

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Figure 1: Reversible inhibition of PIN1 recycling by BFA treatment.
Figure 2: PIN1 localization affected by cytoskeleton-depolymerizing drugs.
Figure 3: Effects of polar auxin transport inhibitor TIBA on protein trafficking.
Figure 4: Physiological effects of BFA.

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We thank A. Vieten and S. Barth for technical assistance; L. Gälweiler, W. Michalke and K. Roberts for kind gifts of antibodies; S. M. Li for MS/NMR analysis; and M. Godde, M. Heese, T. Hamann, T. Pacher and K. Schrick for helpful comments and critical reading of the manuscript. J. F. was a recipient of a Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst fellowship. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Schwerpunktprogramm‘Molekulare Analyse der Phytohormonwirkung’, European Communities Biotechnology Programme and INCO Copernicus Programme (K.P.), and DFG, Sonderforschungsbereich ‘Mechanismen des Zellverhaltens bei Eukaryoten’ (G. J.).

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Geldner, N., Friml, J., Stierhof, YD. et al. Auxin transport inhibitors block PIN1 cycling and vesicle trafficking. Nature 413, 425–428 (2001).

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