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Regulated expression and binding of three VLA (β1) integrin receptors on T cells


REGULATED adhesion of T cells to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins is likely to be essential in T cell migration. Constitutive binding of various other cell types to ECM components is mediated by members of the VLA (very late antigen) subfamily of integrins1–4. We describe here the regulated binding of resting CD4+ human T cells to ECM through three VLA integrins: VLA-4 (refs 5, 6) and VLA-5 (réf. 7) binding to fibronectin (FN), and a novel pathway of VLA-6 binding to laminin (LN). Binding to ECM is regulated in two ways. First, unlike other VLA-mediated interactions, VLA binding activity of the T cells is rapidly and dramatically augmented with cell activation without change in level of expression of the VLA molecules. Second, binding is regulated with T-cell differentiation ; memory T cells express three- to fourfold more VLA-4, VLA-5, and VLA-6 than do naive cells, and bind more efficiently through them to FN and LN.

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Shimizu, Y., Seventer, G., Horgan, K. et al. Regulated expression and binding of three VLA (β1) integrin receptors on T cells. Nature 345, 250–253 (1990).

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