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Sequence and functional expression of the GABAA receptor shows a ligand-gated receptor super-family


Amino-acid sequences derived from complementary DMAs encoding the α- and β-subunits of the GAB A/ benzo diazepine receptor from bovine brain show homology with other ligand-gated receptor subunits, suggesting that there is a super-family of ion-channel-containing receptors. Co-expression of the in vitro-generated α-subunit and β-subunit RNAs in Xenopus oocytes produces a functional receptor and ion channel with the pharmacological properties characteristic of the GABAA receptor.

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Schofield, P., Darlison, M., Fujita, N. et al. Sequence and functional expression of the GABAA receptor shows a ligand-gated receptor super-family. Nature 328, 221–227 (1987).

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