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Murine T lymphomas with retroviral inserts in the chromosomal 15 locus for plasmacytoma variant translocations


The frequent trisomy of murine chromosome 15 in T lymphomas suggests that it bears one or more genes conducive to T-cell neoplasia1. One such gene seems to be c-myc, the oncogene frequently activated in B-lymphoid tumours either by retroviral insertion, as in the avian bursal lymphomas2,3, or by a translocation to the immunoglobulin heavy-chain locus, as in the predominant t(12; 15) of murine plasmacytomas and the analogous t(14; 8) of human Burkitt lymphomas (for reviews, see refs 1, 4–6). The c-myc gene was strongly implicated in T-cell neoplasia when 15–25% of T lymphomas arising in AKR mice, a strain prone to leukaemia, were found to have retroviral inserts near c-myc7,8. Proviruses near c-myc were also found in several T lymphomas induced by murine leukaemia viruses (MuLV) in both mice9 and rats10, but many of the rat thymomas bear an insert instead at one of several other common sites11–13, at least two of which have murine homologues on chromosome 15 (refs 14, 15). We show here that some murine T lymphomas contain proviral inserts in the recently identified chromosome 15 locus for plasmacytoma variant (6; 15) translocations, which we have denoted pvt-1 (refs 16, 17). Although 6; 15 breakpoints map cytogenetically to the same chromosome band as c-myc18,19, the alterations of pvt-1 in tumours occur at least 72 kilobases (kb) from the c-myc promoters17. The insertions in T lymphomas suggest that an altered pvt-1 locus is conducive to neoplasia in T cells as well as B cells, possibly via long-range effects on c-myc expression.

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Graham, M., Adams, J. & Cory, S. Murine T lymphomas with retroviral inserts in the chromosomal 15 locus for plasmacytoma variant translocations. Nature 314, 740–743 (1985).

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