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Genomic organization and sequence of T-cell receptor β-chain constant- and joining-region genes


The genomic structure of the joining (J) and constant (C) regions of the locus encoding the β-chain of the murine T-cell receptor has been analysed. The gene segments are arranged tandemly (J–C/J–C) within a 15-kilobase region. The two constant-region genes are almost identical, differing by only four amino acids, all in carboxy-terminal portions. Each C region comprises four exons encoding an external globular domain, a small hinge-like region, a transmembrane region and a cytoplasmic tail plus 3′-untranslated region. The two clusters of J regions each contain 7 distinct elements, 12 of which may be functional.

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Gascoigne, N., Chien, Yh., Becker, D. et al. Genomic organization and sequence of T-cell receptor β-chain constant- and joining-region genes. Nature 310, 387–391 (1984).

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