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Acquisition of specific cytotoxic activity by human T4+ T lymphocytes in culture


Mature human T lymphocytes can be separated by monoclonal antibodies OKT4 and OKT8 according to their surface phenotypes into T4+T8 and T4T8+ subsets1,2. From shortterm experiments using bulk cultures, the helper/inducer function has been assigned to the T4+T8 subset and the cytotoxic/suppressor function to the T4T8+ subset1,2. Thus if T lymphocytes are separated after stimulation in a mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR), the entire cytotoxic activity is found hi the T4T8+ fraction whereas the T4+T8 fraction shows no detectable cytotoxicity1. If, however, T lymphocytes are cloned after MLR and grown in long-term culture, a surprisingly large fraction of T4+ T lymphocyte clones (TLC) shows cytotoxic activity3,4. Here we report that T4+ TLC can acquire specific cytotoxicity during in vitro cultivation.

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Fleischer, B. Acquisition of specific cytotoxic activity by human T4+ T lymphocytes in culture. Nature 308, 365–367 (1984).

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