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Unusual sequences in the murine immunoglobulin μδ heavy-chain region


The δ heavy (H) chain of mouse immunoglobulin D (IgD) is unusual both in its structure and in its differential expression relative to immunoglobulin M (IgM; reviewed in ref. 1). The region of DNA between IgM and IgD H-chain constant-region genes is probably implicated in this control. So far only fragments of the area have been sequenced. Now, however, we present the complete sequence as well as the sequence of the introns of the Cδ gene. We have found several interesting features (Fig. 1), including an open reading frame (ORF) between Cμ and Cδ which encodes 146 amino acids that might represent a previously unsuspected domain-like protein; three blocks of simple repetitive sequences; a 162-base pair (bp) unique-sequence inverted repeat; and a domain-like pseudogene in the large intron of Cδ. We have not found, however, any sequence 5′ of Cδ resembling the switch (S) recombination sequences associated with class switching in other heavy chains2–5. Moreover, we have determined the 3′ deletion end point of an IgD-producing myeloma and find no sequences reminiscent of switch sites nearby.

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Richards, J., Gillian, A., Shen, A. et al. Unusual sequences in the murine immunoglobulin μδ heavy-chain region. Nature 306, 483–487 (1983).

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