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T cells primed by influenza virion internal components can cooperate in the antibody response to haemagglutinin


THE fact that nude mice produce significantly lower titres of antibody to influenza haemagglutinin than do normal mice implies that this response is T-cell dependent1,2. Further evidence of cooperation between T and B cells has been provided by the immune response of mice to purified haemagglutinin3: a greater production of strain-specific, but not of cross-reactive, antibody was observed in the presence of haemagglutinin-primed T cells. We report here that the antibody response to haemagglutinin can also be enhanced by T cells primed by the internal components of the influenza virus. This may provide an explanation for previous findings4–6 that infection with one influenza subtype may influence the subsequent response to another which does not cross-react serologically.

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RUSSELL, S., LIEW, F. T cells primed by influenza virion internal components can cooperate in the antibody response to haemagglutinin. Nature 280, 147–148 (1979).

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