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Functional stabilisation of HeLa cell histone messenger RNAs injected into Xenopus oocytes by 3′- OH polyadenylation


WE have shown that, when injected into Xenopus oocytes, poly (A) free globin messenger RNA is translated for a short period of time and then rapidly degraded1–3, while, under the same conditions, native mRNA shows a marked stability1,2,4. The poly (A) segment itself is responsible for the stability of native globin mRNA, since its readdition to previously de-adenylated mRNA restores the stability of the message5. We have shown also that the poly (A) stretch must contain a minimum number of adenylate residues to ensure its protective function6. It was interesting to see whether the concept of the stabilisation of eukaryotic mRNAs by 3′-OH polyadenylation is general. This can be done by looking at the effect of the presence of a 3′-OH poly (A) segment on the stability of various mRNAs. Here we study the stability of HeLa cell poly (A)-free histone mRNAs injected into Xenopus oocytes, and the effect of 3′-OH polyadenylation on this stability.

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HUEZ, G., MARBAIX, G., HUBERT, E. et al. Functional stabilisation of HeLa cell histone messenger RNAs injected into Xenopus oocytes by 3′- OH polyadenylation. Nature 271, 572–573 (1978).

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