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Heterospecific cytotoxic cell activity induced during the first three days of acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection in mice


ACUTE infection of adult mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) induces several types of immune responses. H–2-restricted virus-specific cytotoxic T cells are demonstratable from day 5 to 6 and peak on day 7 to 10 post-infection1–5. Antiviral antibody in immune complexes is first detected by 4 d post infection6,7, and non-specifically activated macrophages can be demonstrated after 4 to 5 d (refs 3 and 8). We report here that the acute LCMV infection elicits the production or activation of another type of cytotoxic cell as early as 1 d post infection. These early cytotoxic cells lyse infected or uninfected syngenetic, allogeneic, and xenogeneic cell lines with some specificity. These effector cells do not belong to the cell types thus far implicated in the immune response to LCMV infection and have many of the properties of natural killer cells.

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WELSH, R., ZINKERNAGEL, R. Heterospecific cytotoxic cell activity induced during the first three days of acute lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection in mice. Nature 268, 646–648 (1977).

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