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IKK-γ is an essential regulatory subunit of the IκB kinase complex


Pro-inflammatory cytokines activate the transcription factor NF-κB by stimulating the activity of a protein kinase that phosphorylates IκB, an inhibitor of NF-κB1,2,3,4,5, at sites that trigger its ubiquitination and degradation. This results in the nuclear translocation of freed NF-κB dimers and the activation of transcription of target genes6,7. Many of these target genes code for immunoregulatory proteins8,9. A large, cytokine-responsive IκB kinase (IKK) complex has been purified and the genes encoding two of its subunits have been cloned1,2,5. These subunits, IKK-α and IKK-β, are protein kinases whose function is needed for NF-κB activation by pro-inflammatory stimuli. Here, by using a monoclonal antibody against IKK-α, we purify the IKK complex to homogeneity from human cell lines. We find that IKK is composed of similar amounts of IKK-α, IKK-β and two other polypeptides, for which we obtained partial sequences. These polypeptides are differentially processed forms of a third subunit, IKK-γ. Molecular cloning and sequencing indicate that IKK-γ is composed of several potential coiled-coil motifs. IKK-γ interacts preferentially with IKK-β and is required for the activation of the IKK complex. An IKK-γ carboxy-terminal truncation mutant that still binds IKK-β blocks the activation of IKK and NF-κB.

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Figure 1: Purification of the IKK complex and identification of the IKK-γ subunits.
Figure 2: Primary and secondary structure of IKK-γ.
Figure 3: IKK-γ interacts physically with IKK-α/β.
Figure 4: IKK-γ is a component of the IκB kinase complex.
Figure 5: IKK-γ is an essential component of the IκB kinase.
Figure 6: A C-terminal IKK-γ deletion mutant is a dominant-negative inhibitor of IKK activation.
Figure 7: Reduced IKK-γ expression interferes with IκB-α phosphorylation and degradation and NF-κB activation.

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We thank T. Thannhauser for help with peptide sequencing, A. Israel for the NEMO antibody and sharing of unpublished information, F. Mercurio for the IKK-β antibody, G. Cadwell and J.Lewis for technical assistance and B. Thompson for manuscript preparation. D.M.R., E.Z. and G.N. were supported for postdoctoral fellowships by the NIH, the Leukemia Society of America and the Damon–Runyon Walter–Winchell Cancer Research Fund, respectively. This work was supported by grants from the NIH.

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Rothwarf, D., Zandi, E., Natoli, G. et al. IKK-γ is an essential regulatory subunit of the IκB kinase complex. Nature 395, 297–300 (1998).

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