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Binding of phytochrome B to its nuclear signalling partner PIF3 is reversibly induced by light


The phytochrome photoreceptor family directs plant gene expression by switching between biologically inactive and active conformers in response to the sequential absorption of red and far-red photons1,2. Several intermediates that act late in the phytochrome signalling pathway have been identified, but fewer have been identified that act early in the pathway3,4. We have cloned a nuclear basic helix–loop–helix protein, PIF3, which can bind to non-photoactive carboxy-terminal fragments of phytochromes A and B and functions in phytochrome signalling in vivo5. Here we show that full-length photoactive phytochrome B binds PIF3 in vitro only upon light-induced conversion to its active form, and that photoconversion back to its inactive form causes dissociation from PIF3. We conclude that photosensory signalling by phytochrome B involves light-induced, conformer-specific recognition of the putative transcriptional regulator PIF3, providing a potential mechanism for direct photoregulation of gene expression.

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Figure 1: Phytochrome B (phyB) binds to PIF3 specifically as the biologically active conformer Pfr.
Figure 2: Induced binding of the active (Pfr) form of phytochrome B to PIF3 is reversed by photoconversion back to the inactive Pr form.
Figure 3: Missense mutations in phytochrome B impair PIF3 binding.
Figure 4: N- and C-terminal domains of phyB are both involved in PIF3 binding.

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We thank C. Fairchild for the gift of phycocyanobilin; C. Fairchild, M. Hudson, E.Huq, J. Martinez and E. Monte for critical reading of the manuscript; lab members for discussion and support; and R. Wells for help with the manuscript. This work was supported by grants from the DOG and USDA.

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Ni, M., Tepperman, J. & Quail, P. Binding of phytochrome B to its nuclear signalling partner PIF3 is reversibly induced by light. Nature 400, 781–784 (1999).

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