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In vitro Inhibition of Infectivity of Polio Viruses by Guanidine


THE presence of a guanidine moiety in a number of antiviral drugs1ā€“5 prompted us to investigate whether some simple guanidine derivatives may reduce the infectivity of viruses for cultured mammalian cells. The following compounds were examined: guanidine hydrochloride, aminoguanidine bicarbonate, creatine hydrate, arginine, uridine, urea, thiourea, decyl- and dodecyl-bis-guanidine, N,Nā€²-bis(beta-hydroxyethyl)biguanide. The chemicals dissolved in water were boiled for about 15 min. and then added to the culture media.

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LODDO, B., FERRARI, W., BROTZU, G. et al. In vitro Inhibition of Infectivity of Polio Viruses by Guanidine. Nature 193, 97ā€“98 (1962).

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