The trimeric, α-helical coiled-coil core of the HIV-1 gp41 ectodomain is thought to be part of a transient, receptor-triggered intermediate in the refolding of the envelope glycoprotein into a fusion-active conformation. In an effort to discover small organic inhibitors that block gp41 activation, we have generated a biased combinatorial chemical library of non-natural binding elements targeted to the gp41 core. From this library of 61,275 potential ligands, we have identified elements that, when covalently attached to a peptide derived from the gp41 outer-layer α-helix, contribute to the formation of a stable complex with the inner core and to inhibition of gp41-mediated cell fusion.
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We thank N. Sinitskaya for technical assistance. M.F. acknowledges a fellowship from the Ministry of Education (Spain). The work was supported by NIH grants to D.O., D.C.W., and S.C.H. S.L.S., D.C.W., and S.C.H. are Investigators in the HHMI.
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Ferrer, M., Kapoor, T., Strassmaier, T. et al. Selection of gp41-mediated HIV-1 cell entry inhibitors from biased combinatorial libraries of non-natural binding elements. Nat Struct Mol Biol 6, 953–960 (1999). https://doi.org/10.1038/13324
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/13324