Purpose of Review
Due to the invasive nature of the keratoplasty and the shortage of available donor tissue around the world, alternative treatments are needed for the management of progressive infectious keratitis.
Recent Findings
Infectious keratitis is a sight-threatening microbial infection. The prevalence of antimicrobial resistance in cases of infectious keratitis has increased the demand for fortified compounded antimicrobial drops. Even with proper medical management, severe cases of infectious keratitis can further evolve into corneal perforation, requiring surgical intervention in the form of keratoplasty to control the infectious process. In ophthalmology, photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been used for numerous applications.
PDT with Rose Bengal as a photosensitizer combined with green light optical irradiation (RB-PDAT) is a novel treatment with dual purpose: to arrest the infection from progressing and strengthen the collagen of the cornea. RB-PDAT may be considered as an adjunct therapy in severe cases of infectious keratitis to minimize the need for a therapeutic keratoplasty.

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Jean Marie Parel and Guillermo Amescua are authors of a University of Miami invention disclosure on the instrument described herein. Diego Altamirano, Jaime Martinez, and Katherine D Leviste each declare no potential conflicts of interest.
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Altamirano, D., Martinez, J., Leviste, K.D. et al. Photodynamic Therapy for Infectious Keratitis. Curr Ophthalmol Rep 8, 245–251 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40135-020-00252-y
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40135-020-00252-y