In mammals, it has been shown that halomethanes (HM) are bioactivated by enzymes such as CYP 2E1 and the theta isoform of GST to produce reactive metabolites. However, in fish, little information is available, although HM can form autochthonously in aquatic environments. This study assessed the effect of HM in dusky splitfin (Goodea gracilis) from three lakes of the Valley of Mexico by analysing specific HM biomarkers as well as a broad range of biomarkers. The concentration of HM was a function of its half-life (higher in deep waters), while its precursors and solar radiation are secondary factors that determine its concentration. The kidney showed higher basal metabolism than the liver, probably because of its function as a haematopoietic and filtration organ. Using integrated biological response version 2 (IBRv2), it was found that the hepatic and renal O2· content is a pro-oxidant force capable of inducing oxidative stress (ROOH, TBARS and RC=O). Early damage was found to be dependent on low concentrations of HM in Major Lake, whereas late damage was observed in fish exposed to higher concentrations of HM in Zumpango Lake and Ancient Lake. The activities of enzymes involved in antioxidant defence seemed to be inefficient. The quantitative assessment of biomarkers (ANOVA) and the estimate of parameter A obtained from IBRv2 provided different information. However, the data support the greater predictive power of IBRv2, but it requires a series of interrelated biomarkers to infer these possibilities. G. gracilis presents marked patterns of adaptation, which are dependant on the HM concentrations in environmental mixtures, although the response is complex and many toxicants could induce similar responses.

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This study was financed by CONACyT-ICyTDF and SIP-IPN. H. F. Olivares-Rubio is a M.Sc. student with a scholarship from CONACyT. M. L. Martínez-Torres is a B.Sc. student with a scholarship from CONACyT. M. L. Domínguez-López, E. García-Latorre and A. Vega-López are fellows of Estímulos al Desempeño en Investigación and Comisión y Fomento de Actividades Académicas (Instituto Politécnico Nacional) and Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI, CONACyT, México).
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Olivares-Rubio, H.F., Martínez-Torres, M.L., Domínguez-López, M.L. et al. Pro-oxidant and antioxidant responses in the liver and kidney of wild Goodea gracilis and their relation with halomethanes bioactivation. Fish Physiol Biochem 39, 1603–1617 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10695-013-9812-8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10695-013-9812-8