Protection of crops against plant diseases is crucial in crop production. Agricultural practice and scientific research is confronted with new challenges. Environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions are increasingly demanded. Therefore, the precise detection of primary infection sites and disease dynamics is fundamental to make a decision for a subsequent management practice. In this context, optical sensors can provide an accurate and objective detection of plant diseases. This has awoken the interest and expectation from the public, farmers, and companies for sophisticated optical sensors in agriculture, providing promising solutions. Nevertheless, the application of optical sensors in a practical context in the field is still challenging, and sophisticated data analysis methods have to be developed. In general, the entire system pipeline, consisting of the type of sensor, the platform carrying the sensor, and the decision making process by data analysis has to be tailored to the specific problem. Here, we briefly recount the possibilities and challenges using optical sensors in research and practice for plant disease protection. Optical sensor-based approaches are considered as a key element in plant phenotyping. This overview addresses mainly hyperspectral imaging as it determines several plant parameters that represent the basis for more specific sensors in the future.

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The authors would like to thank Anna Brugger and Dr. Jan Behmann for proofreading and helpful comments on the manuscript.
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Kuska, M.T., Mahlein, AK. Aiming at decision making in plant disease protection and phenotyping by the use of optical sensors. Eur J Plant Pathol 152, 987–992 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-018-1464-1
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-018-1464-1