Explants of adult mouse intestine have been maintained in organ culture for 24 to 48 hr. The best results have been obtained with a mixture of DMEM-HEPES medium and NCTC-135 enriched with 10% fetal bovine serum. The morphology of the mucosa is well preserved at the light electron microscopic level: absorbing cells exhibit an increase in secondary lysosomes; goblet cells and Paneth cells remain active; numerous mitoses are observed in the crypts; and vigorous re-epithelization takes place on the margin of the explants.
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This work was supported by a research grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada (to J. S. H.) and partly by the F.C.A.C. Québec (to J. S. H.).
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Ferland, S., Hugon, J.S. Organculture of adult mouse intestine. In Vitro 15, 278–287 (1979).
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