Two-dimensional electrophoretic patterns of cytoplasmic liver proteins of the mouse were investigated in reciprocal hybrids of the two inbred mouse strains DBA and C57BL in order to establish whether strain-specific protein variants reveal a mode of inheritance compatible with the concept of genomic imprinting. Variants of this type were found to account for about 11% of approximately 200 variant protein spots scrutinized. Transmission of the maternal form of a variant protein was more frequent than transmission of the paternal form. Maternal/paternal transmission was observed only for proteins showing strain variations in their amount. The results are discussed in terms of the frequency of imprinted genes.
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Vogel, T., Klose, J. Two-dimensional electrophoretic protein patterns of reciprocal hybrids of the mouse strains DBA and C57BL. Biochem Genet 30, 649–662 (1992). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02399813
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02399813