In six cases of anterior capsular cataract, cells present in the subcapsular zone were investigated. In addition to orga nelles previously described, the cells were found to contain 7 nm and 15 nm filaments, suggestive of actin and myosin. The cells varied in shape from elongated or flat to rounded. Maculae adhaerentes, gap junctions and basement membranes were present. It is concluded that these cells closely resemble myofibroblasts, by virtue of their cytology and behaviour. The significance of this observation, concerning hypotheses on the genesis of anterior capsular cataract is discussed.
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Novotny, G.E.K., Pau, H. Myofibroblast-like cells in human anterior capsular cataract. Vichows Archiv A Pathol Anat 404, 393–401 (1984).
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