Treponema denticola was grown in serum-containing media to which 14C-labelled compounds were added. Determinations of radioactivity in the products formed indicated that the organism fermented alanine, cysteine, glycine, serine, and glucose. Fermentation products included acetate, lactate, succinate, formate, pyruvate, ethanol, CO2, H2S, and NH3. The products formed from glucose constituted a small portion of the total products. Assays of enzymatic activities in cell extracts indicated that the organism degraded glucose via the Embden-Meyerhof pathway. T. denticola possessed a coenzyme A-dependent CO2-pyruvate exchange activity associated with a clostridial-type clastic system for pyruvate metabolism. Phosphotransacetylase and acetate kinase activities were present in cell extracts. Acetyl phosphate formation and benzyl viologen reduction were detected when cell extracts were incubated with pyruvate, serine or cysteine. The data indicate that T. denticola is an amino acid fermenter and that it possesses the enzymes needed for the fermentation of glucose. However, glucose does not serve as the primary substrate when the organism grows in media including both this carbohydrate and amino acids.
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Hespell, R.B., Canale-Parola, E. Amino acid and glucose fermentation by Treponema denticola . Archiv. Mikrobiol. 78, 234–251 (1971).
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