A C57BL/6By 5.5 kb Pvu II polymorphic restriction fragment which hybridizes with a spleen focus-forming env probe and maps in the H-30 region has been cloned, and a 358 by subfragment subcloned. Hybridization and sequencing studies show that the 358 by fragment is encoded by the region of the pol gene of murine retrovirus which codes for an endonuclease critical for viral integration. Hybridizations of digested murine genomic DNAs with the 358 by probe generate 31 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs); 16 of these can be placed near the following 15 minor histocompatibility (H) loci: H-3, H-4, H-7, H-13, H-15, H-16, H-17, H-19, H-22, H-24, H-27, H-30, H-34, H-36, and H-38. We suggest that the proximity of viral sequences to H loci is probably evolutionarily and functionally significant and that the closeness of viral sequences and minor H loci can probably be utilized to facilitate the cloning of minor H genes. During the course of these studies, it has become possible to tentatively assign H-17, H-34, and H-38 to chromosome 12. In addition, it was observed that several H-2 congenic strains retain portions of chromosome 12 from the parental donor strains used in their derivation.
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Rossomando, A., Meruelo, D. Viral sequences are associated with many histocompatibility genes. Immunogenetics 23, 233–245 (1986). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00373018
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00373018