Allow users to create and manage their own topics and apply topic settings as guard rails.
For automation use the CLI
Creating topics
To create a topic go to Workspace->Explore->New Topic. Enter the name, partitions and replication factor.
If topic settings apply you will not be able to create the topic unless the rules have been met.
Viewing topic details
The Explore screen lists high-level details of the topics
Selecting a topic allows you to drill into more details.
Topics marked for deletion will be highlighted with a D.
Compacted topics will be highlighted with a C.
Increasing the number of partitions
To increase the number of partitions, select the topic, then select Increase Partitions from the actions menu. Increasing the number of partitions does not automatically rebalance the topic.
Overriding a topic configurations
Topics inherit their configurations from the broker defaults. To override a configuration, select the topic, then the Configuration
tab. Search for the desired configuration and edit its value.
Deleting topics
To delete a topic, click the trash can icon.
Topics can only be deleted if all clients reading or writing to the topic have been stopped. The topic will be marked for deletion with a D until the clients have stopped.
Empty or compacted topics
To quickly find compacted or empty topics use quick filter checkboxes, for example, you can find all empty topics and perform a bulk delete action on them.
Last updated
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