After completing vendor integration, the next step is to integrate models under the vendor. To help understand the entire integration process, we will use Xinference as an example to gradually complete a full vendor integration.
It is important to note that for custom models, each model integration requires a complete vendor credential.
Unlike predefined models, custom vendor integration will always have the following two parameters, which do not need to be defined in the vendor YAML file.
In the previous section, we have learned that vendors do not need to implement validate_provider_credential. The Runtime will automatically call the corresponding model layer's validate_credentials based on the model type and model name selected by the user for validation.
Writing Vendor YAML
First, we need to determine what types of models the vendor supports.
Currently supported model types are as follows:
llm Text Generation Model
text_embedding Text Embedding Model
rerank Rerank Model
speech2text Speech to Text
tts Text to Speech
moderation Moderation
Xinference supports LLM, Text Embedding, and Rerank, so we will start writing xinference.yaml.
provider:xinference# Specify vendor identifierlabel:# Vendor display name, can be set in en_US (English) and zh_Hans (Simplified Chinese). If zh_Hans is not set, en_US will be used by default.en_US:Xorbits Inferenceicon_small:# Small icon, refer to other vendors' icons, stored in the _assets directory under the corresponding vendor implementation directory. Language strategy is the same as label.en_US:icon_s_en.svgicon_large:# Large iconen_US:icon_l_en.svghelp:# Helptitle:en_US:How to deploy Xinferencezh_Hans:如何部署 Xinferenceurl:en_US: Supported model types. Xinference supports LLM/Text Embedding/Rerank- llm- text-embedding- rerankconfigurate_methods:# Since Xinference is a locally deployed vendor and does not have predefined models, you need to deploy the required models according to Xinference's documentation. Therefore, only custom models are supported here.- customizable-modelprovider_credential_schema:credential_form_schemas:
Next, we need to consider what credentials are required to define a model in Xinference.
It supports three different types of models, so we need model_type to specify the type of the model. It has three types, so we write it as follows:
Each model has its own name model_name, so we need to define it here.
- variable:model_nametype:text-inputlabel:en_US:Model namezh_Hans:模型名称required:trueplaceholder:zh_Hans:填写模型名称en_US:Input model name
Provide the address for the local deployment of Xinference.
- variable:server_urllabel:zh_Hans:服务器URLen_US:Server urltype:text-inputrequired:trueplaceholder:zh_Hans:在此输入Xinference的服务器地址,如 the url of your Xinference, for example
Each model has a unique model_uid, so we need to define it here.
- variable:model_uidlabel:zh_Hans:模型 UIDen_US:Model uidtype:text-inputrequired:trueplaceholder:zh_Hans:在此输入你的 Model UIDen_US:Enter the model uid
Now, we have completed the basic definition of the vendor.
Writing Model Code
Next, we will take the llm type as an example and write
In, create a Xinference LLM class, which we will name XinferenceAILargeLanguageModel (arbitrary name), inheriting from the __base.large_language_model.LargeLanguageModel base class. Implement the following methods:
LLM Invocation
Implement the core method for LLM invocation, which can support both streaming and synchronous returns.
def_invoke(self,model:str,credentials:dict,prompt_messages: list[PromptMessage],model_parameters:dict,tools: Optional[list[PromptMessageTool]]=None,stop: Optional[List[str]]=None,stream:bool=True,user: Optional[str]=None) \-> Union[LLMResult, Generator]:""" Invoke large language model :param model: model name :param credentials: model credentials :param prompt_messages: prompt messages :param model_parameters: model parameters :param tools: tools for tool calling :param stop: stop words :param stream: is stream response :param user: unique user id :return: full response or stream response chunk generator result """
When implementing, note that you need to use two functions to return data, one for handling synchronous returns and one for streaming returns. This is because Python identifies functions containing the yield keyword as generator functions, and the return data type is fixed as Generator. Therefore, synchronous and streaming returns need to be implemented separately, as shown below (note that the example uses simplified parameters; the actual implementation should follow the parameter list above):
If the model does not provide a precompute tokens interface, it can directly return 0.
defget_num_tokens(self,model:str,credentials:dict,prompt_messages: list[PromptMessage],tools: Optional[list[PromptMessageTool]]=None) ->int:""" Get number of tokens for given prompt messages :param model: model name :param credentials: model credentials :param prompt_messages: prompt messages :param tools: tools for tool calling :return: """
Sometimes, you may not want to directly return 0, so you can use self._get_num_tokens_by_gpt2(text: str) to get precomputed tokens. This method is located in the AIModel base class and uses GPT2's Tokenizer for calculation. However, it can only be used as an alternative method and is not completely accurate.
Model Credential Validation
Similar to vendor credential validation, this is for validating individual model credentials.
defvalidate_credentials(self,model:str,credentials:dict) ->None:""" Validate model credentials :param model: model name :param credentials: model credentials :return: """
Model Parameter Schema
Unlike custom types, since a model's supported parameters are not defined in the YAML file, we need to dynamically generate the model parameter schema.
For example, Xinference supports the max_tokens, temperature, and top_p parameters.
However, some vendors support different parameters depending on the model. For instance, the vendor OpenLLM supports top_k, but not all models provided by this vendor support top_k. Here, we illustrate that Model A supports top_k, while Model B does not. Therefore, we need to dynamically generate the model parameter schema, as shown below:
defget_customizable_model_schema(self,model:str,credentials:dict) -> AIModelEntity |None:""" Used to define customizable model schema """ rules = [ParameterRule( name='temperature', type=ParameterType.FLOAT, use_template='temperature', label=I18nObject( zh_Hans='温度', en_US='Temperature' ) ),ParameterRule( name='top_p', type=ParameterType.FLOAT, use_template='top_p', label=I18nObject( zh_Hans='Top P', en_US='Top P' ) ),ParameterRule( name='max_tokens', type=ParameterType.INT, use_template='max_tokens', min=1, default=512, label=I18nObject( zh_Hans='最大生成长度', en_US='Max Tokens' ) ) ]# if model is A, add top_k to rulesif model =='A': rules.append(ParameterRule( name='top_k', type=ParameterType.INT, use_template='top_k', min=1, default=50, label=I18nObject( zh_Hans='Top K', en_US='Top K' ) ) )""" some NOT IMPORTANT code here """ entity =AIModelEntity( model=model, label=I18nObject( en_US=model ), fetch_from=FetchFrom.CUSTOMIZABLE_MODEL, model_type=model_type, model_properties={ ModelPropertyKey.MODE: ModelType.LLM, }, parameter_rules=rules )return entity
Invocation Error Mapping Table
When a model invocation error occurs, it needs to be mapped to the Runtime-specified InvokeError type to facilitate Dify's different subsequent processing for different errors.
Runtime Errors:
InvokeConnectionError Invocation connection error
InvokeServerUnavailableError Invocation server unavailable
@propertydef_invoke_error_mapping(self) -> dict[type[InvokeError], list[type[Exception]]]:""" Map model invoke error to unified error The key is the error type thrown to the caller The value is the error type thrown by the model, which needs to be converted into a unified error type for the caller. :return: Invoke error mapping """
For an explanation of interface methods, see: Interfaces. For specific implementations, refer to: