Vampiress's Melancholy Song for a Rose.DJ88 on DeviantArt

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Vampiress's Melancholy Song for a Rose.



Look at that amazingly deep and meaningful title. It just, sings.


I was uploading too many "cutsey-wootsey" pictures with my Centauressalopicorna character as of late. And needed something a touch more darker to even it all out. So, why not a Vampire holding a dark rose, singing a song. In some sort of atmospheric type place.....
I dunno. Thought it would be fun.

And I was totally getting frustrated with a commission and drew this up to blow off some steam, and I was in the mood to draw a lady.
So I turned on some horror movie music, and got to sketching.

And WOA NOW, WHAT'S THIS? I drew a vampire woman, with no blood, and the focus isn't on her boobs?

I like this vampire, and I think I want to draw her again.

I don't know what else to say.


Here's another image of this character;
Vampiress- After the Song for a Rose- by DJ88

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785x700px 550.13 KB
© 2015 - 2025 DJ88
anonymous's avatar
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uniccin's avatar
Wow, she is beautiful *-*
I love her dress